It's a phrase often used to make emphasis that something isn't 'A matter of life &'s more important than that.' A pretty effective visual. And it could well apply to software updates; in particular, those Windows and browser updates.
Most of us don't even know that every week...EVERY single week... Microsoft releases patches and security fixes. These fixes protect (or try to, anyway) the computers it's products are used on from bugs and malicious attacks sent by unscrupulous people who's greatest thrill is to read in the paper that they brought a million computer users to their knees. It's an on-going issue; won't go away... it's as certain as the sun rising every morning. The attacks WILL come. What are YOU doing about it?
Most of us don't even notice that little windows icon in the lower right hand of our screens letting us know "Windows has downloaded updates ... and are ready to install..". We ignore it if we see it at all.
You MUST run and install those updates. If you don't you may as well not use virus protection or if you DO then not update those files either. You leave a welcome mat out for the bad guys. And it's not like the booggie man in the closet.... These guys are REALLY there...and they WILL do you hard.
So is all this scare tactic making you freak out? Don't freak. Watch this small film on windows updates and see how you go about protecting yourself. Turn your speakers up... Oh, and I know, I know... be careful about links on the internet. Hey, trust me... I'm a (computer) Doctor.
Happy computing... ;-)
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