Monday, December 13, 2010

Hello? Santa? All I want for NEW YEARS is a VERIZON LTE IPhone

 Oh how the rumors do fly!  But this one?  This one may have some weight to it.

The rumor mills says Apple has shipped Verizon IPhones to dealers  (JUST VERIZON Stores) for sale right AFTER Christmas, as part of a deal to let AT&T keep Christmas sales.

How great is this, then?  These phones, which we've all been waiting for now for like 3 years are reported to be LTE meaning True 4th Generation wireless network.  That'd mean faster...  But we can't really say how many balls were dropped with the new Verizon IPhone and how many NEW balls are in play, because if we DID we'd have ta KILL ya.

Secrecy is everything; unless someone leaves one in a bar between now and Christmas!

So the cat's outta the bag, the genie is outta the bottle and the ...ok, I ran out of little sayings already.  Just wait and watch like the rest of us.

Neighborhood Computer Services Website

Call : 503-530-6623

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Hey, I was born at night, but it wasn't LAST night!"

Well, the ever inventive virus community is at it again.  And the creativity out of this groups is amazing...never ONCE taking the e-mail community for anything but FOOLS!

What you'll be seeing soon if you haven't already is an e-mail addressed to YOU from someone you may or may not know, saying something like: "Honey, here are the childrens birth certificates..." and there will be a zip file attached.   You'd have to be certifiably NUTZ to click on that zip file...but undoubtedly many many many will.

But YOU won't, constant reader...because you're too smart; or because you read my blog!

Neighborhood Computer Services Website

Call : 503-530-6623

Monday, August 16, 2010

Can you hear me NOW? Jabra Extereme Ear Bud

Almost all states are moving to a law that requires car & truck drivers have hands free devices to handle calls while driving, or just leave the darn thing OFF till you get to your destination.While the 'in-the-ear' devices may make one look nerdy they sure do a good job.

We especially like the Jabra line and at $80- retail the Jabra Extreme is a nice choice.  Your phone has to be Blue-tooth capable for this choices to work, but if it is then this one is slick.  It's small, and has a loop around the ear which helps ensure it won't fall out mid-call and have you looking in your lap instead of the road.  The noise blackout features help quiet background noise for whomever your speaking with.  AND, this unit will allow streaming audio, which many other devices will NOT do.  This is a nice feature if you have pop casts or the like to listen too while driving or walking.  Talking time on a full charge is like 5.5 hours (or a little less) and 10.5 DAYS in standby mode.

We recommend it.

Neighborhood Computer Services Website

Call : 503-530-6623

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Printing with the IPad

Yes, Virginia, you CAN print from the IPad.  But you'll need an APP to do it till Apple comes up with a native solution.  If you E-Mail me maybe I can hook you up with a solution.  Oh, btw, works with IPhone, too!

Neighborhood Computer Services Website

Call : 503-530-6623

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The IPhone 4...

The IPhone 4, going out June 24th, 2010 is the next 'insanely great' enhancement by Apple Computer.  You can read about it everywhere and although it's press won't eclipse the IPad in the sexy category, it comes close.

So what will you get if you run out and buy the new IPhone, besides a new 2 year contract with AT&T and mediocre coverage?  Well, the absolute best graphics presentation available on a phone.  Two years ago who knew THAT would matter?  Additionally, you'll be able to shoot pictures AND Movie clips on either side of the camera, which allows for the first time a video conference option with a cell phone.  That is, if AT&T (or anyone else) can handle the band with that video conferencing will eat up.  That makes it up in the air for now.

Beyond that the look and feel is 'cooler' now...thinner, lighter.

Apple has done it again...and this one will stave off the bite that the 'Droid phones are taking out of Apple...for a while, anyway.

Neighborhood Computer Services Website

Call : 503-530-6623

S-MAC Me.... A good one!

 Ok, I admit to going a little Mac crazy since we added THREE to the household.  There will always probably be things I can only get done in a PC world, so it's not like I've abandoned ship or nothing....  But they are just plain fun!

My new Mac Book Pro has great battery life, great graphics's just plain GREAT.  Some things defy description.

So are they easier to use?  I don't see that as a compelling reason to get a MAC.  

Do they have less problems?  Ok maybe they get a slight nod over windows machines for less problems, but hey...again..probably NOT a decision making reason.

So why get a MAC?  Hey, if you don't know maybe I can't tell you.  Ask another MAC user for their reasons.  For me?  Well for me, it's personal.

Neighborhood Computer Services Website

Call : 503-530-6623

Friday, April 2, 2010

Face Time....

Ok, Facebook.  You knew I'd have to write about it sooner or later.

There are so many angles to come at it...I mean, how did it EVER become so iconoclastic?  Wasn't it all about MySpace just a few years ago?  Now you NEVER hear about people using MySpace.  What happened?  Ok, who really even cares?

I 'put up' a Facebook page a little over a year ago because thought it might enhance my business presence.  Instead I found family I knew I had, but had somehow long ago forgotten...and being reunited is the 'really good thing'.  In fact, NOW when I see folks who ask to be 'friends' using my precious Facebook page for crass commercialism I don't like it.  Ok, maybe an occasional burst of pandering and prospecting is allowed, but if you have a plan to do business on Facebook get a BUSINESS FB page; keep business and pleasure separate.  I have my limits ... you need yours.

Facebooking is fun, and it's great to see what family and friends are up to.  I mean, that's what brings ME back again and again.  Do I need it?  Am I a Facebook Junkie?  Well, I have two IPhone apps for Facebook, but I'm no junkie.  I swear! I'm not in denial... I really am not.  I mean yes, I check in twice a day or more, but Facebook occupies only 15 minutes or less of any of my days, on the average.

Some like to play the plethora of Facebook games available at the site... I am completely NOT enamored with that pursuit. I have to admit I being a little annoyed when forced to see what folks are doing in 'Farmville' appears on my pages...but hey, to each their own. It's not really a pet peeve or anything.  Play on, Facebookers.

I'm happiest that I've found cousins and nieces and nephews and childhood friends who are back in my life.  I feel richer for it.

For those of you not yet on Facebook nothing could be easier to use. That undoubtedly has a lot to do with the site's incredible growth. A free account is just a few clicks away. Put in a little info about yourself, like name, place of birth, high school and college and people you MIGHT know who are also on Facebook will be suggested to you as potential 'friends'.  Add them and their friends are all potential new friends for you;  many, as you'll discover, you probably already know.  And you don't HAVE to add anyone as a friend....But try saying 'decline' to someone you DO know... I mean, you feel like SUCH a snob.

Caveat>.. What you post anywhere on the internet is forever OUT can't really un-write what you have written.  But..once you get over the fear of being out there you begin to realize that we are all defined everyday by what we say, write and do.  So in a sense its your shot, maybe your ONLY shot, at immortality.

I say 'Go for it!'

Neighborhood Computer Services Website

Call : 503-530-6623

Friday, March 26, 2010

The "Wack-A-Mole" ... (aka SnDog Virus)

The SnDog/Ave virus, dubbed the 'wack-a-mole', because no matter how hard you work to remove it back it comes, popping up again & again & again.

How do you know you have it?

Does  your computer have a pop-up screen that comes up each time you try to start a program or do ANYTHING, prompting you that you have been infected?  Maybe a bogus 'scan' runs supposedly detecting viruses and offering to remove them if you 'JUST CLICK HERE'.....?  Yes?

Oh yeah, you've got it. 

And it looks just like a Microsoft product, doesn't it?

You can spend HOURS trying to remove it.  Or you can reformat your computer and loose absolutely EVERYTHING you've taken years to accumulate.....OR.....

You could call me, or any other qualified technician, who can surgically remove this pain you're experiencing.

Hey, we don't START 'em...we just TERMINATE 'em.

Neighborhood Computer Services Website

Call : 503-530-6623

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Virus Extraction...A Painless cure for the Seriously Infected

There is a 'revolutionary' technique for removing especially difficult Viruses and Malware that I'm now employing with great results. I'm calling it the 'extraction method' because it requires I remove your hard drive from your PC and run certain scans on it with MY equipment to isolate and surgically remove the 'cancerous' stuff, avoiding hours of trial and error work, or worse...having to wipe your disk clean and rebuild it. I've tried other methods but this one works the best and costs the client the least...and that's always a good thing.

Got an infection that has taken control of your PC?  Keeps wanting you to buy something to correct the mistake?  Guess what...that won't work!  My way will.

Worried I'll see sensitive data on your machine if I take it to my shop?  Trust me, I have no time or interest to pry.

Neighborhood Computer Services Website

Call : 503-530-6623

Friday, February 19, 2010

The WHOLE Truth about Computer Reliability

PC World's March issue is out and it's a scathing indictment of the #1 computer seller in the market.  HP/Compaq sells more PC's than just about anyone and yet they've scored (again) at the bottom of the reliability charts.  The same can be said about their laptops as with their desktop models. It's a shame, really, and a reality that HP is on record as trying to change, but their efforts have been slow.  Success, I suppose, has a down side.

Apple, Acer and....a surprise for some...eMachines have all scored at the top of their class.  Apple, of course, has been doing this pretty consistently, but the other two are other than household names for the general consumer.

HP has a gigantic market presence with their PC's being sold into every market channel imaginable.  eMachines, often equated with low end computing, has delivered the goods on buyer satisfaction, as has Acer.  The Acre market has grown accordingly and is now available way beyond their traditional online sales.  I guess sometimes the good guys DO win.

Are there others I'd recommend?  Sure.  Of course.  I still like Lenovo for desktops and laptops and Toshiba still scores at the top of the laptop heap (as does...'gasp'...Apple).

It underscores my gut for many years...that HP, though leading in units sold is also leading in complaints registered, and unless and until they provide me with a test model that proves PC World AND Neighborhood Computer Services wrong I just can't recommend 'em to anyone that asks me.  Wish I could...can't.

Neighborhood Computer Services Website

Call : 503-530-6623

Thursday, February 11, 2010

"Danger! Danger! Will Robinson"

We've written before about various e-mail scams to get to 'click here' and make you wish you hadn't... Most of us know that there are "Ethiopian" money scams. But the latest and nastiest are:

  • CraigsList Verifier - The way this one works is to LOOK as if it's from the CraigsList people, asking you to verify your 'membership' and click here to avoid a scam. Devious, but effective. Tens of thousands have clicked the link.
  • Shipping Company Delivery - From 'FedEX' or the like...Hey, you WANT to get your delivery, right? Even though you can't remember having ordered anything? Well, just click the link and...and you're screwed! Sorry, but there's no nice way to put it. This was NOT a note from a shipping company.

Both of these viral scams have had a variety of results ... None of them pleasant. It's really a shame that a growing amount of my business is undoing these avoidable scams for nice people. Be warned, and be careful about clicking ANYTHING in e-mails you weren't expecting to get. Your bank, your brokerage firm, shipping companies and your friends don't operate this way, so be careful out there.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Another bite of the APPLE? The IPad

What IS this thing called IPad? A keyboard-less Netbook on steroids? A two-handed IPod? Something more? Something....less?

Though the jury is out and it's much too soon to pass definite judgment on Apple's latest release it IS noteworthy, if for no other reason than Apple has never put this much power for sale at such a competitive price.

The biggest shake up is the lack of a keyboard, or rather the use of an on-screen touch keyboard. Apple is certainly king of touch experience though Sony gave that market a shake last year with its Vaio offerings. But all the touch features that made the IPhone so cool are present in the IPad.

I suspect anyone who takes a trip to an Apple store to check these babies out will love them or hate them, but the tablet market is still in search of a customer base and the IPad may be ahead of its time. Or, perhaps its like acquired taste. But if you're a gadget hound like me you just want to PLAY with it....for hours....on...end!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Hurry Up!

One of the most common complaints by PC users, right after "I think I have a virus!", is "My computer has become soooo slow". Uh huh. They do that.

But the GOOD news is it's like highly fixable. The first place to start is to know what's loading on your computer every time you start up and then eliminate the ones that you don't absoltively need! It's not difficult, really, but for the non-techno minded you'll probably want to call a tech in for help. Takes about an hour to do a tune up and shouldn't cost more than 65-75$.

The second thing you can do is evaluate the cost of adding more RAM memory. Prices on RAM have been really low in the last 6 months, so less than 100$ can many times double, or even four-ple, your memory greatly speeding up your computer's thought process. Putting in new RAM is only a little tougher than plugging in a light bulb, but again, if you need help we do that, too.

Call or write us (503) 530-6623

  • Friday, January 15, 2010

    What the Heck are you DOING?

    What are you doing with your computer? E-Mail, probably. Maybe a letter now and then. Search the internet? Almost for sure you're searching the net...But what ELSE?

    Some folks are doing one of these things, too. But add your favorite thing to the list by posting a comment at the bottom:

    1. Finding a Restaurant (Using or some such)
    2. Listening to music streams at
    3. Using Google for find Hotel accommodations or fun Bed & Breakfast places
    4. Creating a FREE blog to share their thoughts...Hey, it's easy if you start at
    5. Downloading and installing free Picasa to organize and modify pictures on your PC
    6. And what about Twitter? You don't need a fancy phone to keep up with what's going on...
    7. Then of course maybe it's time to give Facebook a try. I know you said you wouldn't but...
    8. Oh...wait...don't know how to DO any of this? Visit and type in 'how do I ...'
    9. Oh and are you up on the news? New York Times maybe?
    10. And wouldn't it be nice to know the weather in Timbuktoo?
    Ok, that'll get you started. Check one or more out and get back to me. I dare ya.

    Wednesday, January 6, 2010

    Desperately seeking.....Computing Nirvana!

    Most of my clients (people in YOUR neighborhood) come to me with various technology related issues, but the all have one thing in common. They eventually got tired of having their problems plague them, they just wanted things to WORK and they wanted someone to rescue them.

    Hey, we all want to be rescued, don't we? Thank goodness there are experts who can make our pain stop and allow us to get our lives back. And we ask ourselves "Why did we wait so long to call? Was all that suffering necessary?"

    Well, I have a theory on that....some say I have a theory on everything. My theory tells me that people need to go through whatever it is they do to bring them to the point of understanding what it is they need to do next. Simply, yes? But folks don't call me till that happens. Some suffer terribly before they get to the point where they reach out to an 'expert'. Once they do, though, they feel liberated! It's freeing to give your problems over to someone who has the skills that you've discovered you lack; someone who can make the frustration go away and make things work again.

    That's what I do....make headaches go away...restore functionality and allow people to enjoy their lives again; instead of stumbling over technology once again they become the master and the tools bend to their command.

    Oh so it sounds grandiose, eh? Then you, my friend, are not yet at that point. But you will be. I WILL be. We all will need someone to help us through a tough time. But when it's your computing tools, smart phone or software issues making you pull your hair me!