Tuesday, December 16, 2008

This is getting Sooooo Old!

Yeah, I know. Age. It's tough to talk about. But we had this discussion in a previous post and it bears repeating, as a good 'rule of thumb' often does.

Computers, like out pets, age at a different rate than people do. Duh! You've noticed, right? While with our dogs and cats we allow 7 years to one to determine their age in the pet life cycle, with computers its more like 15 to 1. That is to say, a one year old computer is a 'teenager' and a 5 year old computer is passing mid seventies, virtually.

With our pets, no matter HOW much we love them, we begin to examine what is humane for their own good when considering those 'vet' bills; same is true for a PC. Though they can like pets, be born with 'genetic irregularities' that cause them to go 'terminal' early, this 15 to one rule of thumb rule works well in evaluating the computer life cycle. Sure, sometimes they live to be '100', but that is as rare with PCs as it is with people and pets.

It's useful to have this 'age calculator' when facing a PC replacement and if it makes sense to consider 'major surgery', or do we just 'put it down' mercifully. Never and easy decision, but you're the one in charge. Knowledge is power. Make good decisions. Call me when you need me and for the rest of the time 'Good luck with that'.

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