Ok, Facebook. You knew I'd have to write about it sooner or later.
There are so many angles to come at it...I mean, how did it EVER become so iconoclastic? Wasn't it all about MySpace just a few years ago? Now you NEVER hear about people using MySpace. What happened? Ok, who really even cares?
I 'put up' a Facebook page a little over a year ago because thought it might enhance my business presence. Instead I found family I knew I had, but had somehow long ago forgotten...and being reunited is the 'really good thing'. In fact, NOW when I see folks who ask to be 'friends' using my precious Facebook page for crass commercialism I don't like it. Ok, maybe an occasional burst of pandering and prospecting is allowed, but if you have a plan to do business on Facebook get a BUSINESS FB page; keep business and pleasure separate. I have my limits ... you need yours.
Facebooking is fun, and it's great to see what family and friends are up to. I mean, that's what brings ME back again and again. Do I need it? Am I a Facebook Junkie? Well, I have two IPhone apps for Facebook, but I'm no junkie. I swear! I'm not in denial... I really am not. I mean yes, I check in twice a day or more, but Facebook occupies only 15 minutes or less of any of my days, on the average.
Some like to play the plethora of Facebook games available at the site... I am completely NOT enamored with that pursuit. I have to admit I being a little annoyed when forced to see what folks are doing in 'Farmville' appears on my pages...but hey, to each their own. It's not really a pet peeve or anything. Play on, Facebookers.
I'm happiest that I've found cousins and nieces and nephews and childhood friends who are back in my life. I feel richer for it.
For those of you not yet on Facebook nothing could be easier to use. That undoubtedly has a lot to do with the site's incredible growth. A free account is just a few clicks away. Put in a little info about yourself, like name, place of birth, high school and college and people you MIGHT know who are also on Facebook will be suggested to you as potential 'friends'. Add them and their friends are all potential new friends for you; many, as you'll discover, you probably already know. And you don't HAVE to add anyone as a friend....But try saying 'decline' to someone you DO know... I mean, you feel like SUCH a snob.
Caveat>.. What you post anywhere on the internet is forever OUT THERE...you can't really un-write what you have written. But..once you get over the fear of being out there you begin to realize that we are all defined everyday by what we say, write and do. So in a sense its your shot, maybe your ONLY shot, at immortality.
I say 'Go for it!'
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